231 Organizational Model

The 231 Organization and Control Model of Netith Care s.r.l

Netith Care Srl considers the protection of the personal data of its users - whether acquired customers, potential or simple users of a service - of fundamental importance, guaranteeing everyone, without distinction, that the processing of their personal data carried out in any manner, either automated and paper-based, it is managed in compliance with the fundamental protections and rights recognized by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and incorporated by the EU Reg. N. 2016/679, with particular reference to confidentiality, protection of personal identity and dignity and the right to security and protection of personal data.

With reference to the above, and in compliance with the provisions of Leg. 231/01, Netith Care s.r.l. has established its own Supervisory Body with the task of monitoring the functioning, effectiveness and compliance with the Model by all its recipients. In addition, a Code of Ethics and a Disciplinary System have been drawn up with the aim of identifying and sharing the principles and criteria of conduct to be observed by directors, employees and all those who work to achieve the company's objectives, committing them also to ensuring that the principles contained therein are observed within the scope of their own functions and responsibilities.

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